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UK release date - any ideas?

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UK release date - any ideas? Empty UK release date - any ideas?

Post  MikeT-23 Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:09 pm

I'm waiting here, patiently (so far), to see The Limits of Control in the UK. However, I've not heard anything about a possible release date.

The best I can do is await the arrival of the two soundtrack CDs I ordered off Amazon to arrive, and that should go some way to getting a sense or taste of what's to come on the screen.

It is frustrating though. So, I wonder if anyone who uses this forum has any idea of when we in the UK shall be able to watch it at our local indie cinema.
I'd appreciate any response.

My only other option is to try and track down a conveniently located theatre in Andalucia when I'm there next month, but even then it has to be on general Spanish release.

I know you'll understand and appreciate the anticipation.

see you.



Posts : 12
Join date : 2008-11-20
Location : usually? Glasgow, Scotland

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UK release date - any ideas? Empty Re: UK release date - any ideas?

Post  MikeT-23 Tue Nov 24, 2009 4:01 pm

Okay - we now have a UK release date: Friday 11th December (according to

However, having checked the schedules of the local 'arthouse' cinema and a couple of the big chains, I can't find any evidence that they'll be showing it.

Does ANYBODY know where it's gonna play in Glasgow/Scotland/UK upon general release?
Or, does anybody know anyone who would know?
Failing that, what about DVD release.

Please, help me. I need my new Jarmusch fix. It's been over five years now! I can't take it much longer.

Best wishes



Posts : 12
Join date : 2008-11-20
Location : usually? Glasgow, Scotland

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