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Oh dear. How disappointing.

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Oh dear. How disappointing. Empty Oh dear. How disappointing.

Post  MikeT-23 Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:05 pm

With apologies, I must say that I feel a bit let down after seeing this latest release from Mr Jarmusch.

I've been a keen watcher of his films for many years now, and have waited what seems like a year or more to see this one (released in US in May, but not in UK intil December? Why?).
In the UK it seems to have had a limited release too - so much so that I had to drive through to Edinburgh from Glasgow in the heavy snow to catch the one 'convenient' screening available to me over the festive break, and then pay a frankly over-priced entrance fee.

I suppose that being a fan, these are the efforts I am willing to make. However, in this instance I do not feel that the efforts were worth it.

Don't get me wrong. There are elements of the movie that I enjoyed - the stylistic composition and presentation; the recurring Jarmuschian theme of a journey being undertaken; the interesting characters appearing throughout, to name just three.

My main feeling is that something was lacking. What? Well, humour for a start. Yes, I smiled on occasion, but Jarmusch's previous films have offered so much more, albeit in the understated way that I appreciate. Here, it was nowhere to be found.
Further, forgive my own lack of imagination, but just how the hell did Creole get into The American's stronghold to kill him? That jump from surveying the scene to sitting on the couch in the office - nonsense! Then getting away in the car? Nah. I'm not getting that.

Nevertheless, as a completist I'm sure I will buy the DVD for the collection, and watch it another couple of times to make sure I didn't miss anything. But there's no way I'll do a second cinema visit as I have done with his other works.

So, sorry for complaining. Especially on here. But, if anyone's gonna undertsand, it'll be you lot, and I really needed to say it to somebody.

May I take the opportunity to wish all of you a happy new year, and may 2010 bring you much happiness and good fortune.



Posts : 12
Join date : 2008-11-20
Location : usually? Glasgow, Scotland

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Oh dear. How disappointing. Empty Re: Oh dear. How disappointing.

Post  Sarabande Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:25 pm

Hi, Mike,
your comment is enjoyable (if the word exists), sincere.
As I appreciate humour too, I have to confess: more than once I laughed my head off during the film. It would be wrong to quote because it riuns the charm, but there IS humour.
Besides, I've missed surely some of it, for which I'm desperate. Undestatements are not
always international.
What charmed me in the film is the belief in imagination, art and freedom. They are stronger than American's strongholds because there are no walls and guns against creativity, if you like. Body can and is easily destroyed but not the spirit.
Heavy snow, distance, expense haven't stopped you, have they?
That's the reply, as a crazy guy used to say.

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Join date : 2009-11-03
Age : 76
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Oh dear. How disappointing. Empty Re: Oh dear. How disappointing.

Post  MikeT-23 Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:26 pm


Many apologies for the lateness in responding to your reply.

I take your point about the spirit being strong when related to my efforts to see the film under the conditions I faced! Thank you for helping me see that. No big deal in the larger scheme of things!

Anyway, I bought the DVD and watched it again at the weekend. To be fair, it is a beautiful film, and a joy to watch.
As for the perceived lack of humour....maybe I was feeling grumpy last time because this viewing was more enjoyable in that regard. I did find myself laughing and smiling more this time around.

However, I won't back down from the unexplained breaching of the high-security compound.
(maybe that's just my mainstream macho side wanting to see 'Hollywood' gun violence and death)
Perhaps I need to use my own imagination to get over that issue.

Roll on the next movie from Mr J. I wonder what it will be?



Posts : 12
Join date : 2008-11-20
Location : usually? Glasgow, Scotland

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Oh dear. How disappointing. Empty Re: Oh dear. How disappointing.

Post  Sarabande Fri Jun 04, 2010 2:38 pm

Oh, Mike!

You're the best!
A mainstream macho with a JJ DVD,
The planet is inhabited, after all!
Kiss and hug of course!
Let that b... unexplicable scene be on the conscience of the film's budget.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2009-11-03
Age : 76
Location : Moscow

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Oh dear. How disappointing. Empty Re: Oh dear. How disappointing.

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